Woman finds out after wedding that her husband is a car Washer not car dealer (Photos)

Four months after their marriage, a disgruntled young girl discovered that her spouse was a con artist.

Her spouse (then boyfriend) would to travel to her house in different cars while they were dating, she claims.

She had the idea he was a wealthy businessman with plenty of cash on hand.

“HELP! I am 25years old. I have been married for 4 months now but I have really regretted and I need your help.

Before I married my husband, he used to bring all sought of cars to visit me in my house and when I asked the job he does, he told me that he is a car dealer.
Just 3 months after our marriage, I got to know that he works at a car washing bay. So the cars he brought to show to me were cars that were left for them to wash at the washing bay. How could he lie to me like that? How can I trust him in this marriage? The most painful part is that I am a graduate and I just got to know that he is not a graduate.


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